Thursday, March 17, 2011

DAY 15: Baby Doves

I don't win a lot of things mainly because I don't join. I'm one of those people who keeps on wishing to win the lottery, but I never actually buy a ticket. Heh.

The first ever online contest I've joined was Chuvaness' Dove soap giveaway. I don't know what made me join this one since I don't even use Dove (as you can see by the many unopened boxes, although these soaps are perfect for traveling). Ah yes, I really wanted the bag accessory (which I don't use either cause I'm afraid to lose it, boo)! So imagine my surprise when I saw my twitter name posted on her page about the winners! Why couldn't I have joined when she was giving away, oh I don't know, a cellphone or printer?


  1. I never won anything, either. Even when I join something. Kahit yung mga default na kasama ako sa tambiolo. Ewan ko ba.

  2. HAHAHA! Aww just keep playing! You'll never know! :D

  3. I just won something a couple of months ago haha

    I have the charm though, I bought two because just like you, I fear of losing one of them haha

  4. Nope, from a GIRLTalker na online seller :)

  5. The one you gave me is still unopened. Lol
