Friday, March 18, 2011

DAY 16: Scarlet Letter

I decided to write my boyfriend a letter today (very old school cheese, I know), and realized how much I miss all the handwritten letters I used to send and receive back in the day. Although it required a bit of effort--I thought long and hard about what to say, carefully choose my prettiest stationery, tried out all my pens until I settled on the one best suited to the occasion, then meticulously wrote down every letter of every word until the message in my head fully materialized on the paper--I was always sure that it would result in something very special and personal.


  1. Aw... Old school love letters. Sweet.

    I think I have a stamp similar to yours. Pero malamang yung akin letter F. :)

  2. First time nakuha ko to, I wanted to put a seal on everything! :)

  3. Nice! Makes you want to write more letters.

  4. It's an excuse to buy more sealing wax, fancy paper, and all that ;)
